Hollande calls for int'l coalition in response to alleged Syria chemical attack


French President Francois Hollande (C, R) holds a joint press conference with visiting German President Joachim Gauck (C, L) in Paris, France, Sept. 3, 2013. French President Francois Hollande said on Tuesday that an international coalition should be formed with the United States in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. (Xinhua/Tang Ji)


Hollande calls for int'l coalition in response to alleged Syria chemical attack

PARIS, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) -- French President Francois Hollande said on Tuesday that an international coalition should be formed with the United States in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria.

France would not act alone, Hollande stressed at a joint press conference with German President Joachim Gauck. Full story


French President Francois Hollande (R) shakes hands with visiting German President Joachim Gauck in Paris, France, Sept. 3, 2013. French President Francois Hollande said on Tuesday that an international coalition should be formed with the United States in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. (Xinhua/Tang Ji)


French President Francois Hollande (L) meets with visiting German President Joachim Gauck in Paris, France, Sept. 3, 2013. French President Francois Hollande said on Tuesday that an international coalition should be formed with the United States in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. (Xinhua/Tang Ji)


French President Francois Hollande (R) holds a joint press conference with visiting German President Joachim Gauck in Paris, France, Sept. 3, 2013. French President Francois Hollande said on Tuesday that an international coalition should be formed with the United States in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. (Xinhua/Tang Ji)


French President Francois Hollande holds a joint press conference with visiting German President Joachim Gauck (not in the picture) in Paris, France, Sept. 3, 2013. French President Francois Hollande said on Tuesday that an international coalition should be formed with the United States in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. (Xinhua/Tang Ji)

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