Chinese stars in 17-year-old appearance

(Source: people.com.cn)

They wouldn't have buried her then, as there was no change in her appearance; her face was as fresh, and her cheeks and lips had their usual colour. One thing is the appearance. The other thing is her posture.

(Source: people.com.cn)

(Source: people.com.cn)

(Source: people.com.cn)

(Source: people.com.cn)

(Source: people.com.cn)

(Source: people.com.cn)

(Source: people.com.cn)

(Source: people.com.cn)

(Source: people.com.cn)

(Source: people.com.cn)

(Source: people.com.cn)

(Source: people.com.cn)

(Source: people.com.cn)

(Source: people.com.cn)

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