Iran nuclear talks see no breakthrough
(Xinhua)   2013-04-07 11:03:09

BEIJING, April 7 (Xinhuanet) -- The latest round of nuclear talks between and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus have ended without any compromise.

The six powers insist Iran cut back on its highest grade uranium enrichment production and stockpile. They suspect Tehran will divert it from making nuclear fuel to form the material used for a nuclear warhead.

They say Iran must make that move - and make it first - to build confidence that its nuclear program is peaceful. The six offered to lift sanctions on Iran’s gold transactions and petrochemical trade. But Tehran wants more substantial sanctions relief. It seeks an end to international penalties crippling its oil trade and financial transactions.

foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton made it clear after the meeting that the two sides failed to make enough headway to qualify the meeting as a success. But she said the six will continue efforts to reach a deal with Iran.

Catherine Ashton said, "It became clear the positions of the E3+3 and Iran remain far apart on the substance. We’ve therefore agreed all sides will go back to their capitals to evaluate where we stand in the process. I will be in touch with Dr Jalili very soon in order to see how to go forward. These are talks with a purpose and in the last two days we have had very intensive discussions as I’ve said. Indeed we have talked in much greater detail than ever before. And our efforts will continue in that direction."

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Liu
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