Amazing celebrity lookalikes spotted in classic paintings

King Philip IV of Spain vs Mark Zuckerberg

King Philip IV of Spain vs the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg (Photo Source: forum.news.cn)


Louis XII of France vs Vladimir Putin

Louis XII of France vs Russian President Vladimir Putin (Photo Source: forum.news.cn)

Millard Fillmore, the 13th President of the United States vs U.S. actor Alec Baldwin?

Millard Fillmore, the 13th President of the United States vs U.S. actor Alec Baldwin (Photo Source: forum.news.cn)

?John Brown, American who led an anti-slavery revolt in Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859 vs U.S. actor Charlie Sheen

?John Brown, American who led an anti-slavery revolt in Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859 vs U.S. actor Charlie Sheen (Photo Source: forum.news.cn)

Greek Athenian philosopher Socrates vs British actor Anthony Hopkins

Greek Athenian philosopher Socrates vs British actor Anthony Hopkins (Photo Source: forum.news.cn)

U.S. actress Maggie Gyllenhaal vs Rose Wilder Lane, an American journalist, travel writer, novelist, and political theorist?

U.S. actress Maggie Gyllenhaal vs Rose Wilder Lane, an American journalist, travel writer, novelist, and political theorist (Photo Source: forum.news.cn)

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