Kerry presses Iraq on Iranian flights to Syria
(Xinhua)   2013-03-25 10:32:14

BEIJING, March 25 (Xinhuanet) -- US Secretary of State John Kerry has confronted for continuing to grant access to its airspace.

Speaking to reporters during an unannounced trip to Baghdad, Kerry said he and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had engaged in a spirited discussion on the Iranian flights. US officials claim they are ferrying weapons and fighters intended to support the n government.

John Kerry said, "I made it very clear that for those of us who were engaged in an effort to see President Assad step down and to see a democratic process take hold, with a transitional government according to the Geneva communiqué, for those of us engaged in that effort, anything that supports President Assad is problematic. And I made it very clear to the Prime Minister that the overflights from Iran are, in fact, helping to sustain President Assad and his regime."

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Liu
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