Profiles of Zhang Dejiang and Li Yuanchao
(Xinhua)   2013-03-15 09:03:47

BEIJING, March 15 (Xinhuanet) -- Tuesday's NPC meeting also elected the new leadership of China’s top legislature and vice president. Let’s look at the other two leaders’ profiles.

The new Chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, Zhang Dejiang, began his career in 1970 in Jilin Province, which borders the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, working his way up to provincial Party chief. But before that, he spent two years studying in the Economics Department of Kim Il Sung University in the DPRK capital, Pyongyang. Between 1998 and 2007, Zhang held leading Party positions in Zhejiang and Guangdong Provinces. Quite a number of other leading Party officials have also worked in Guangdong, which is considered one of the country’s richest and most open provinces. In 2008, Zhang was appointed Vice-Premier. His responsibilities included overseeing the energy, telecommunications, and transportation sectors. Last March, he was appointed the Party Chief of Chongqing Municipality. Now, he has taken on the role of the chairman of the NPC Standing Committee.

China’s new Vice President Li Yuanchao was born in 1950 in Lianshui County in Jiangsu Province. He joined the CPC in March 1978. Before joining the Party, Li was a teacher in different schools in Shanghai for many years. In 1983, he became secretary of the Chinese Communist Youth League in Shanghai. In 1990, Li was promoted to work in the CPC Central Committee and became vice minister of the Ministry of Culture six years later. Then he went to Jiangxi Province to work as deputy party leader in 2000. He served there for seven years before becoming a member of the Political Bureau and head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee. Now, he’s the vice president of China.

(Source: CNTV.cn)


Editor: Chen Zhi
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