Heartbreaking photos of animals in shelters

Photographer Mary Shannon Johnstone captured photos of animals being put down in animal shelters.  This sad photo series highlights the final moments of the animals before euthanization.  (Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)
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