Security tightened in New Delhi

Security officers check a vehicle near India Gate in New Delhi, India, Feb. 26, 2013. Security levels have been heightened since dual bomb attacks killed 16 people in India's southern city of Hyderabad on Feb. 21 plus suspected explosives were found in New Delhi on Feb. 25. [Xinhua]

Security officers check passengers near India Gate in New Delhi, India, Feb. 26, 2013. Security levels have been heightened since dual bomb attacks killed 16 people in India's southern city of Hyderabad on Feb. 21 plus suspected explosives were found in New Delhi on Feb. 25. [Xinhua]

An armed security officer directs tourists near India Gate in New Delhi, India, Feb. 26, 2013. Security levels have been heightened since dual bomb attacks killed 16 people in India's southern city of Hyderabad on Feb. 21 plus suspected explosives were found in New Delhi on Feb. 25. [Xinhua]

Security officers stand guard near India Gate in New Delhi, India, Feb. 26, 2013. Security levels have been heightened since dual bomb attacks killed 16 people in India's southern city of Hyderabad on Feb. 21 plus suspected explosives were found in New Delhi on Feb. 25. [Xinhua]

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