China calls for trust, cooperation on South China Sea issue
(Xinhua)   2012-12-11 11:28:12

BEIJING, Dec. 11 (Xinhuanet) -- China’s Foreign Ministry has called for parties involved in the South China Sea issue to make more efforts to increase mutual trust and cooperation. Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei was speaking at a regular press conference on Monday.

Hong Lei, spokesman of Chinese Foreign Ministry, said, "China holds a clear and consistent position on the South China Sea issue that the disputes should be resolved through consultation and negotiation among concerned states. China hopes the concerned parties will make regional peace and stability a priority and generate more efforts to increase mutual trust and cooperation."

Hong Lei said resolving disputes is an important principle of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea. He said the principle was agreed on by all nations that signed the declaration.

Hong’s remarks came after a meeting of ministers from the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Vietnam on issues related to South China Sea was postponed. The Philippine-proposed meeting had been scheduled for Wednesday in Manila.

(Source: cntv.com)

Editor: Bi Mingxin
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