Wen Jiabao proposes prioritizing SCO regional infrastructure connection
(Xinhua)   2012-12-06 10:55:59

BEIJING, Dec. 6 (Xinhuanet) -- The 11th Prime Ministers Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has been held in the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek. The meeting focused on strengthening cooperation in economic and cultural exchanges within the SCO framework. Premier attended Wednesday's meeting and made proposals for SCO cooperation.

Premier Wen Jiabao proposed for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to make the connection of regional infrastructure its top priority, adding they should be done in a scientific way and make full play of the principal function of enterprises, and be run by the market to ensure quality and efficiency.

The Chinese premier also said China was ready to fulfill its June commitment to provide 10-billion US dollar in loans to other SCO members and set up an economic and technological cooperation fund earmarked for the region.

He suggested developing a SCO telecom satellite service and turning it into a platform for dealing with regional emergencies and rescues, fighting terrorism, and providing mobile telecommunications. Protection of the environment, cross-border crime and disaster warning and rescue were also key points mentioned.

The Chinese premier expressed his hope that SCO members can carry forward the "Shanghai Spirit" through increased cooperation.

By CCTV correspondent Su Yuting

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Liu
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