Police officers in Jiangxi teach pupils traffic safety information


A traffic policewoman escorts a schoolgirl crossing the road in Wan'an County, east China's Jiangxi Province, Nov. 28, 2012. On the eve of the National Traffic Safety Day, the traffic police brigade of Wan'an County conducted a series of cooperation with local schools, including organizing imitation of directing the traffic, informing school of road traffic information by sending messages irregularly and organizing special traffic police to safeguard the students in front of schools. (Xinhua/Zhou Mi)


A traffic policewoman escorts a disabled person crossing the road in Wan'an County, east China's Jiangxi Province, Nov. 28, 2012. On the eve of the National Traffic Safety Day, the traffic police brigade of Wan'an County conducted a series of cooperation with local schools, including organizing imitation of directing the traffic, informing school of road traffic information by sending messages irregularly and organizing special traffic police to safeguard the students in front of schools. (Xinhua/Zhou Mi)


A traffic policeman shows the pupils how to direct the traffic at the Wan'an Experimental Primary School in Wan'an County, east China's Jiangxi Province, Nov. 28, 2012. On the eve of the National Traffic Safety Day, the traffic police brigade of Wan'an County conducted a series of cooperation with local schools, including organizing imitation of directing the traffic, informing school of road traffic information by sending messages irregularly and organizing special traffic police to safeguard the students in front of schools. (Xinhua/Zhou Mi)


A police officer shows the messages sent to schools about road traffic information in Wan'an County, east China's Jiangxi Province, Nov. 28, 2012. On the eve of the National Traffic Safety Day, the traffic police brigade of Wan'an County conducted a series of cooperation with local schools, including organizing imitation of directing the traffic, informing school of road traffic information by sending messages irregularly and organizing special traffic police to safeguard the students in front of schools. (Xinhua/Zhou Mi)


Police officers show the pupils how to direct the traffic at the Wan'an Experimental Primary School in Wan'an County, east China's Jiangxi Province, Nov. 28, 2012. On the eve of the National Traffic Safety Day, the traffic police brigade of Wan'an County conducted a series of cooperation with local schools, including organizing imitation of directing the traffic, informing school of road traffic information by sending messages irregularly and organizing special traffic police to safeguard the students in front of schools. (Xinhua/Zhou Mi)

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