Weird islands in the world


?Island of the Dolls, Mexico

??(Source: forum.home.news.cn)

??Miyake-jima, Japan

??(Source: forum.home.news.cn)

?Kamfers Dam, South Africa

(Source: forum.home.news.cn)

?Vieey Island

??(Source: forum.home.news.cn)

?Ilha da Queimada, Brazil

?(Source: forum.home.news.cn)

?Sable Island, Canada

?(Source: forum.home.news.cn)

??U Thant Island,America

??(Source: forum.home.news.cn)

?The World, Dubai

?(Source: forum.home.news.cn)

Tashirojima, Japan

???(Source: forum.home.news.cn)

Gruinard Island, Britan

???(Source: forum.home.news.cn)

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