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二次线性规划:quadratic linear programming
二面角反射器:dihedral corner reflectors
二维平面流动:two dimensional plane flow
二次泵变流量:secondary pump variable volume
二联碱基丰度:dinucleotide abundance
二值数字图像:binary digital image
二次谐波计算:the 2nd harmonic calculation
二灰碎石结构:the slablized soil-based course
二维动床模型:2D movable-bed model
二维场景重建:2D view reconstruction
二次相对评价:two-stage relative evaluation
二氧化铀坯块:UO_2 pellets
二元光学元件:Binary optical element
二极管激光条:diode laser bar
二氧化锰电极:MnO2 electrode
二次离子交换:two-step ion exchange
二阶控制系统:the second order control systems
二次空气喷射:secondary air injection
二次包络星轮:double enveloping star gear
二次回路接地:second loop grounding
二维模式匹配:two-dimensional pattern matching
二次互反定律:reciprocal law two times
二元二次回归:dualistic and quadric regression
二维仿真转台:rotational platform of two-axis simulator
二波耦合理论:wave coupling theory
二维速度测量:Measurement of 2-D velocity
二维类间方差:two-dimension between-cluster variance
二阶三点公式:two order and three points formula
二次回路接线:second loop return wiring
二次浪涌电流:second surge current
二元经济结构:dual economic structure
二阶插值近似:second-order interpolation approximation
二维工程图样:2D engineering drawing
二次再热机组:secondary reheat fossil fuel-fired unit
二次误差准则:quadric error metrics
二次正定函数:quadratic positive-definite function
二次存储函数:) quadratic storage function
二元指标体系:dual index system
二程式拖拉法:one return pulling
二级兴趣模型:twice ranks interest model
二级可调增压:regulated two-stage turbocharging system
二灰碎石基层:the Basecourse of the Lime-fly-ash Macadam
儿童活动空间:Activity Space for Children
二系悬挂结构:secondary suspension structure
二极管安全栅:diode safety barrier
二人零和对策:two-person zero-sum game
二度价格歧视:second price discrimination
二元线性插值:bilinear interpolation
页码:97241242243244245246247248249250251252 2532542552562572582592608: