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二极倒立摆:Double inverted pendulum
二值化处理:binary processing
二维半理论:2.5D theory
二连杆结构:structure of the two connecting poles
二次冲量法:double-pulse method
厄米多项式:Hermite polynomial
二茂铁-肽:ferrocene peptides
二值化编码:binary coding
二维转动架:two-dimensional frame
二级服务器:level 2 Server
二进制整数:binary integer
二次型指标:quadratic specifications
二次下载法:twice download mode
二维结构图:2D structure figure
二次微絮凝:quadratic micro-flocculation
二次非晶化:Twice Amorphization
二级消力池:secondary stilling basin
儿童游戏场:children's Playground
二道沟金矿:Erdaogou gold deposit
二次过热器:secondary superheater
二向反射比:bi-directional reflectance
二次合成法:the secondary composition method
二次应力场:secondary stress field
二维工程图:2D drawing
二步压制法:two-step pressing method
二等值机群:two equivalent machine
二分决断图:binary decision diagram(BDD)
二维FFT:two dimension FFT
二灰混合料:lime-fly-ash mixtures
二阶平均法:second-order averaging method
二分量天平:two weight balance
二阶中立型:second-order neutral
二元天线阵:two-element antenna array
二阶漂移力:two order drifting force
二级三角洲:two-stage delta
二阶矩模型:second-order moment model
二氧化碳法:CO_2 process
二维转三维:2D to 3D
二次型最优:quadratic form optimal
二叉树搜索:binary-tree search
二阶段握手:two-phase handshake
二维磁测量:two-dimensional magnetic measurement
二次过电压:secondary overvoltage
额颞部除皱:eyebrow anatomy
二进制代码:binary code
二灰类材料:lime-flyash mixture
页码:97161162163164165166 1671681691701711721731741751761771781791808: