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二尖瓣穿孔:Mitral valvular perforation
儿茶提取物:catechu extract
额肌腱膜瓣:levator palpebrae superior aponeurosis
耳蜗血流量:Cochlear bloodflow(CoBF)
二氯乙酸钠:Sodium Dichloroacetate
恶性淋巴病:malignant lymphoma
恶性畸胎瘤:teratocarcinoma cell
腭穹隆形状:Palatal vault
二叶獐牙菜:Swertia bifolia Batal
儿科学教学:Pediatric teaching
儿童诊断的:diagnosed in childhood
二陈汤加味:Modified "Erchen Decoction"
二进制编码:binary encoding
二胺氧化酸:Diamine oxidase
耳蜗电刺激:Electrical intracochlear stimulation(EIS)
二元原子簇:Binary cluster
二尖瓣替换:mitral valve replacement
二核铝酸酯:dimeric aluminate
二巯基乙酸:2-Mercaptopropionic acid
儿童抽动症:Tourette's syndrome
二苯基哌嗪:Biphenyl substituted Piperazines
二苯基哌啶:Biphenyl substituted Piperidines
耳间潜伏期:Interaural latency
额面部缺损:defection and damage of forehead or face
二维反投影:2-D back-projection
额眶骨畸形:Fronto-orbital advancement
儿童致敏性:children allergic
儿童血液病:children haematological disease
二至天癸方:Erzhi Tiangui Recipe
额外染色体:Extra chromosome
儿童猛性龋:rampant caries
二线抗痨药:second-line anti-TB drug
二仙补肾汤:Erxian Bushen Decoction
额叶内侧面:frontal medial surface
尔胃康颗粒:Er-wei-kang granules
二阶相干度:degree of second order coherence
额窦/损伤:Frontal sinus/inj
二步滴定法:twi-titration assay
儿童虐待史:Childhood abused history
恶性间质瘤:Malignant stromal tumors
峨眉千里光:senecio faberic hemsl
儿童抑郁症:children's depression
二碱基指纹:dinucleotide signature
耳后沟皮瓣:Retroauricular groove
二肽肽酶类:dipeptidyl peptidases
页码:97161162 1631641651661671681691701711721731741751761771781791808: