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儿童入学:children's enrolment
二十六军:the 26th red army
二重视角:double perspective
遏制贪欲:suppress avidity
二程遗书:Ercheng Yishu
二维性质:two-dimensional nature
二元构成:dual structure
二级未知:second-order ignorance
二维心理:two-dimensional psychology
鄂州南楼:South Building in Ezhou
额外保护:the additional protection
俄苏作家:the writer of Russia-Soviet
二重结构:two-fold industrial structure
二次北伐:the second northern expedition
儿童美术:children art
恶俗广告:vice advertising
二语文化:second language culture
儿童原型:child archetype
儿童流浪:street children
俄国诗坛:Russian Parnassus
恶性西化:vicious westernization
俄语词汇:Russian lexicon
恶习陋俗:vice and undesirable customs
儿童散文:children's prose
俄国戏剧:Russian drama
俄汉比较:comparison of Russian and Chinese
二象空间:dualistic space
儿女侠情:love between man and woman
儿童问题:the Problems of Children
峨博文化:Ebo culture
二宫构争:the conflict between two princes
恩惠理论:grace theory
二元忠诚:"dual loyalty"
俄语新词:Russian new words
二元贫困:Dual poverty
二语使用:L2 use
二维构成:Two Demension Constitution
二维测度:2-dimensional measure space
恶意失权:loss of right by evil intentions
二级体院:physical education college
二十等爵:twenly ranks of nobility
俄语思维:Russian thinking
二难境地:be in a dilemma
俄罗斯法:Russian law
页码:97101102103104 1051061071081091101111121131141151161171181191208: