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香水盒:Perfume cartons
虚企业:virtual enterprise
形象度:visual degree
线束族:family of pencil of lines
线段集:line segment set
线图丛:diagram atlas
小墙肢:reinforced concrete short wall
形态和:morphologic summation
箱约束:box constraints
线性门:linear gate
信息图:information diagram
序网图:sequence diagrams
下车架:nether frame
弦高差:the difference between the distance of a point to a chord and the permiss ive height
消爆腔:Detonation elimination chamber
下封头:Channel head
选定线:route selection and location
楔形柱:tapered column
循环阵:circulant matrix
新泛油:New bleeding
下旋翼:lower rotor
相浓度:phase concentration
蓄冷比:ice storage fraction
序列头:Sequence Header
吸脂管:The liposuction tube
新息图:innovation graph
相对核:relative core
行重排:row rearrangement
虚拓扑:virtual topology
校验头:AH(Authentication Header)
消费型:consumption type
斜冲击:oblique impact
消雾法:evaporating cloud
吸水井:absorbing well
洗选煤:washed coal
心境园:the moody garden
学步桥:Xuebu bridge
心理美:psychological aesthetics
吸附板:suction board
项系数:Item coefficient
星型网:starlike network
型钢桩:shape steel pile
线偏振:linear polarization
行相关:row correlation
新城砖:new city wall brick
下凹型:concave shape
页码:97241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260 8: