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安全通信协议:Secure communication protocol
按需路由算法:on-demand routing algorithm
爱国主义情怀:keep pace with the times
安全双边计算:Safe Duplex Computing
安全远程口令:secure remote password
安全防护体系:security protection architecture
安全直接通信:secure direct communication
安全防护策略:Safety-protection strategy
安全身份识别:safe identification
安全保障策略:security strategies
安全配置模板:Templates of security configuration
阿尔茨默海病:Alzheimer disease
安徽省委党校:Anhui Provincial Party Institute
案例型教学法:case teaching
案例研究方法:case study method
安全漏洞伪造:vulnerability forgery
安全路径规划:safe path planning
安全培训教学:the teaching of safety training
安全威胁分析:security threat analysis
安全分层结构:security layering structure
案例式教学法:case teaching method
安全苛求软件:safety-critical software
凹面光栅选支:line selected by concave grating
安全组件模型:safe component model
安全事件响应:computer security incident response
安全复原策略:Secure recovery policy
安全认证体系:Secure Certification Architecture
安全多播框架:secure multicast framework
安全区域合作:secure zone cooperation
安全检查工具:tool of secure examining
奥运主场馆区:Olympic main venue construction area
安全远程访问:secure remote access
安全防范技术:Security Precautionary Technology
安全防御措施:safety defend the measure
安全对象代理:Secure object proxy
安全访问体系:secured system for visits
安全实现模型:secure implementation model
安全事件分析:safety case investigation
安全组播路由:Multicast routing security
安全信息通道:secure infomation passageway
安全协议证明:security protocol proof
安全性能等级:Safety Integrity Level
安全失效分数:safe failure fraction
安全删除工具:the tool for file deletion
安全防范体系:safe precaution system
安全漏洞分类:vulnerability sort
安全漏洞扫描:vulnerability scanning
页码:97241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259 2608: