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葡萄柚汁:Grapefruit juice
盆腔状况:pelvic cavity state
培训意识:training consciousness
培训质量:quality of training
皮肤结核:Tuberculosis cutis
扑捉行为:catching behavior
葡萄果梗:Grape stems
皮肤受损:Skin damage
皮层损害:cortical lesion
陪伴人员:accompany personnel
纰裂强度:Slippage Tenacity
皮瓣制备:Flap harvesting
评判标准:Judging standard
脾虚湿滞:dampness stagnancy due to spleen deficiency
膨出方向:The direction of protrusion
皮肤创疡:Skin wound and ulcer
贫血机制:mechanism of blood deficiency
皮肤菲薄:thin skin
品绩管理:Performance Management
评分模型:scoring model
平价病房:available ward
脾虚失运:Losing transport because of splenic asthenia
培养凋亡:Cultured apoptosis
脾胃湿热:spleen-stomach damp-heat syndrome
盆腔疾患:Pelvic Disease
蒲元胃康:Pu Yuan Wei Kang
旁路流量:auxiliary flow
排除积水:Accumulative water drainage
脾肾两虚:Spleen and kidney deficiency
胚芽抽吸:Embryo aspiration
评价中心:assessment center
拼接模式:Splicing model
排气方法:Exhanstible way
皮肤免疫:topical immunization
片切技术:slice technology
脾破裂伤:splenic rupture
皮肤瘀斑:The dermal ecchymosis
排齐辅弓:aligned auxiliary wire
抛射冲击:trajectory impact
普渡大学:Purdue University
皮肤牵引:Skin traction
评价结构:evaluation structure
评价流程:evaluation procedure
评价指南:guide line
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272 2732742752762772782792808: