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钕同位素:Nd isotope
凝胶浴温:coagulating temperature
耐氟性能:resistance to chlorine
浓度修正:Concentration modification
扭辩分析:pressure-sensitive adhesive
逆流铵洗:Counter-current ammonium washing
钕铁合金:Neodymium-iron alloy
耐刺穿性:Thrust resistance
扭转次数:twist number
内部腐蚀:Interior Corrosion
凝胶堵剂:Gelling Plugging Agent
南五味子:Schisandra sphenanthera
黏附分子:Adhesive molecule
黏结强度:bonding strength
颞叶癫痫:temporal lobe epilepsy
农业施用:agricultural application
黏膜缺损:Mucosa defect
内眦开大:medial canthoplasty
牛黄降压:Niuhuang Jiangya
脑性瘫痪:cerebral palsy
内固定器:Internal fixators
尿路梗阻:Urinary obstruction
男性不育:male infertility
男性绝育:Male sterilization
牛蒡根粉:burdock root powder
逆向追踪:Reverse tracing
内膜增生:Intimal hyperplasia
脑低灌注:Cerebral hypoperfusion
内镜检查:Endoscopic examination
脑动脉瘤:Intracranial aneurysm
内服外贴:Takes orally pastes
脑缺氧症:Hypoxic encephalopathy
凝胶微丸:gel beads
耐药基因:Resistant genes
内镜超声:endoscopic ultrasonography
尿路感染:Urinary tract infection
农药中毒:Pesticide poisoning
脑机接口:brain computer interface
南苍耳子:Fructus xanthii indicum
脑挫裂伤:Brain contusion and laceration
内固定术:internal fixation
脑微出血:Cerebral microbleeds
囊胚移植:Blastocyst transfer
内容分析:Content analysis
页码:97221222223224225226227228229230 2312322332342352362372382392408: