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凝胶剂量:gel dose
扭曲应力:twisting stress
难洗矿石:refractory ore
扭转断裂:Torsion fracture
耐火内衬:refractory lining
扭矩匹配:matching of torque
镍硼合金:Ni-B alloy
纳米模具:nano die
耐磨焊条:wear resistance electrode
能量公设:energy postulate
酿酒设备:Liquor-making Facilities
难度系数:difficulty coefficient
牛顿分析:Newton analysis
南亚高压:South Asian High
扭转强度:torsional strength
农牧变迁:changes of agro pastoral
宁夏沙区:Ningxia sandy area
泥岩地区:mudstone area
耐蚀堆焊:overlaying welding
泥炭改良:peat amelioration
浓度区域:Concentration ranges
南海工程:Nanhai cracker project
凝析液烃:condensed liquid
糯玉米棒:waxy ear corn
女性形体:woman body
南庄地区:Nanzhuang Area
拟合曲率:regressive curvature
能级劈裂:Energy level splitting
内部回收:internal recovering
农用塑料:agricultural plastic
凝胶降解:degradation of coagulant
能响补偿:energy compensation
能耗费用:energy source expense
纳米细粉:nanometer powders
浓度折算:concentration conversion
泥浆浸泡:mud soak
牛庄地区:Niuzhuang area
内陆流域:inland river watershed
纳米块材:bulk nano-materials
钠长石矿:albite ore
泥岩储层:mudstone reservoir
内施胶剂:sizing agent
逆合成法:back synthetic method
能耗计算:Energy consumption calculation
浓缩设备:thickening equipment
南方山区:Southern Mountainous Regions
页码:97201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216 2172182192208: