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1)  the two courses teaching
The key to the improvement on effectiveness of the two courses teaching lies in that professors apply Marxist standpoints and new methodologies to directing their teaching and their research of the two courses; they cultivate themselves with a rigorous scholarship and democratic pursuit of truth; they influence and train the student.
2)  teaching of "two courses"
Combining with characteristics of ZUST, this paper analyzes the inner contaction between the developing of the high practical and global talents and the teaching of "two courses", and presents the moment, the request of the reality and our endeavor direction of developing the teaching reformation of "The Two Courses", which should be accordance to the times, the aims and the real effects.
3)  "Two-course" teaching
This paper expounds the position and effect of "Two-course" teaching and further explores the "Two course" teaching mode, proceeding from the reality of quality characters that the college students should have,to train college students as excellent talents useful to the reform and opening up as well as the social modernization in our country.
从新世纪大学生应具备的素质特征的实际出发 ,阐述“两课”教学的地位和作用 ,进一步探索“两课”教学模式 ,把大学生培养成为对我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业有用的优秀人才。
4)  Two-courses teaching
Class teaching management of Two-courses at higher vocational college is an important composite in college management,as well as a major content of management work of Two-courses teaching,it is a platform of political and ideological work and a base to initial political and ideological education for students at higher vocational college.
We must put theory into practice in order to make the two-courses teaching more persuasive and valid, only in this way can we reach the real goals of our teaching.
5)  "Two Courses" teaching
"Two Courses" teaching has close connection with humane quality education.
The thoughts of "Three Represents" must be applied to the "Two Courses" teaching and the principal role of teaching base of the "Two Courses" be brought into full play so that qualified successors of socialism can be fostered.
6)  teaching of Two Courses
Way of thinking of the reform in teaching of two courses was explicated,teaching of two courses should lay special emphasis on training the innovation ability and practical ability of students was suggested.
阐述了“两课”教学改革的基本思路 ,提出了“两课”教学应注重学生创新能力与实践能力的培
Based on the analysis of the reason for inefficient teaching of Two Courses, it suggests the countermeasure.
对当前高校“两课”教学效果不理想的原因进行了分析 ,并提出了解决“两课”教学问题 ,提高教学质量 ,增强教学效果的方法。
  思想品德教育,在学校教育中历来占有重要地位,在中国更有悠久的历史传统。中国古代学校,除通过各科教学对学生进行思想品德教育外,还有专门对儿童进行思想品德教育的课本。 如《童蒙训》、《童蒙须知 》、《弟子规》等。在新民主主义革命时期,革命根据地小学是结合语文等课进行思想品德教育的。中华人民共和国成立后,继承了新民主主义革命时期革命根据地教育的传统,对学生进行共产主义的思想品德教育,取得了很大成绩,积累了丰富的经验;并在此基础上,从1981年秋季起,在小学正式开设了思想品德课,在教学计划中列为专门的课程。这是对小学生有计划、有系统地进行共产主义思想品德教育的一个新的开端。1982年 5月,教育部又颁发了《全日制五年制小学思想品德课教学大纲(试行草案)》,对思想品德课的教学目的,教学内容和教学要点、教学要求等,都作了明确规定;同时,还具体规定了在教学中应该注意的问题。
  思想品德课以爱祖国、 爱人民、 爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义为基本内容,结合贯彻《小学生守则》,向小学生进行社会主义国家公民应有的道德品质和行为规范的教育。其目的在于使小学生初步具有共产主义道德品质和良好的行为习惯,立志做有理想、有道德、有文化、守纪律的劳动者。为把他们培养成为共产主义事业接班人打下思想基础。
