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1)  high frequency words and low frequency words
2)  low-frequency word
3)  high-frequency words
To get an insight into Chinese learners’acquisition of English high-frequency words, the present study presents the results of an investigation of a group of Non-English majors’knowledge and use of English high frequency words.
4)  Delexicalized High-frequency Verbs
5)  government affair frequent terms
6)  The Relative Frequency of Lexical Meanings
开采沉陷观测 mining subsidence observation
开采沉陷图 map of mining subsidence
开窗 windowing
勘测设计阶段测量 survey in reconnaissance and design stage
勘探基线 prospecting baseline
勘探网测设 prospecting network layout
勘探线测量 prospecting line survey
勘探线剖面图 prospecting line profile map
康索尔海图 Consol chart
康索尔海图 Consol chart
抗差估计,*稳健估计 robust estimation
考古摄影测量 archaeological photogrammetry
克拉索夫斯基椭球 Krasovsky ellipsoid
克莱罗定理 Clairaut theorem
克莱罗定理 Clairaut theorem
刻绘 scribing
刻图仪 scriber
坑道平面图 Adit planimetric
坑探工程测量 Adit prospecting engineering survey
空基系统 space-based system
空间大地测量学 space geodesy
空间改正 free-air correction
空间后方交会 space resection
空间前方交会 space intersection
空间试验室 Spacelab
空间数据管理系统 spatial database management system
空间数据基础设施 SDI
空间数据基础设施 spatial data infrastructure
空间数据转换 spatial data transfer
空间信息可视化 visualization of spatial information
空间异常 free-air anomaly
空中导线测量 aerophotogonometry
空中三角测量 aerotriangulation
空中水准测量 aeroleveling
控制测量 control survey
控制测量 control survey
控制点 control point
控制点 control point
库容测量 reservoir storage survey
跨河水准测量 river-crossing leveling
块状图 block diagram
快门 shutter
矿产图 map of mineral deposits
矿场平面图 mining yard plan
矿区控制测量 control survey of mining area
矿区控制测量 control survey of mining area
矿山测量 mine survey
矿山测量交换图 exchanging document. of mining survey
矿山测量图 mining map
矿山测量学 mine surveying
矿山经纬仪 mining theodolite
矿体几何[学] mineral deposits geometry
矿体几何制图 geometrisation of ore body
框标 fiducial mark
框幅摄影机 frame camera
拉普拉斯点 Laplace point
拉普拉斯方位角 Laplace azimuth
兰勃特投影 Lambert projection
蓝底图 blue key
浪花 Breaker
勒夫数 Love's number
雷达测高仪 radar altimeter
雷达覆盖区 radar overlay
雷达应答器 radar responder