Ten events most likely to hit the headlines in 2019

Editor's note: Diplomatic breakthroughs in the Korean peninsula, China-US trade tensions and continuing Brexit negotiations were some of the stories that dominated the headlines in 2018. With 2019 having just arrived, how will these stories develop?

Hope: An easing of the China-US trade dispute

President Xi Jinping meets with US President Donald Trump in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Dec 1, 2018. [Photo/Xinhua]

The year 2019 marks the 40th anniversary of the forging of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

On the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires on Dec 1, Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Donald Trump agreed to stop imposing new tariffs and to continue bilateral trade negotiations. Dialogue on trade issues has since been frequent.

A new round of trade talks at vice-ministerial level between China and US started on Jan 7. An easing of the trade frictions will have a great influence on the global economy.

Uncertainty: Brexit with May's deal or a no-deal Brexit

Demonstrators against Brexit stand outside the Houses of Parliament in London on Dec 10, 2018. [Photo/Xinhua]

Brexit is to take effect on March 29. How Brexit will actually look however will be shaped by continuing negotiations.

UK will leave the EU according to a draft Brexit deal, which UK Prime Minister Theresa May agreed with EU leaders, if that deal is approved by British parliament later this month. Otherwise the UK will leave the EU without a deal.

Other solutions under consideration include a renegotiation of the draft Brexit deal, a second referendum, or the UK withdrawing its Brexit request.

Civil unrest in Europe

A protester wearing yellow vest holds a flare in front of the town hall as he takes part in a demonstration of the "yellow vests" movement in Marseille, France, Jan 5, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

There is a possibility of continued unrest in Europe in 2019, as the continent seeks to address issues such as people's wellbeing, migration, and populism.

Ordinary people are leading harder lives, under pressure from unemployment, stagnant incomes, reduced welfare, and rising prices.

The Yellow Vests movement in France is likely to continue in early 2019, while German CDU leader, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, faces a number of challenges.

Amidst all this, the EU is to hold parliamentary elections in May, with experts claiming the body is an appropriate vehicle to promote the development of economies, societies and cultures.

Peace in the Korean peninsula?

Officials from the ROK and the DPRK unveil the sign of Seoul to Pyeongyang during a groundbreaking ceremony for the connection of railways and roads at the Panmun Station in Kaesong, DPRK, Dec 26, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

Three inter-Korean summits from Panmunjom to Pyongyang last year opened a peace window, and Kim and Trump's meeting in Singapore made history.

Whether the US and DPRK are able to further establish mutual trust to make new breakthroughs on denuclearization in 2019 remains to be seen.

There are a number of possibilities that could lead to further peace in 2019. Trump could conceivably gain political capital ahead of the 2020 presidential election if he can point to achievements in the Korean peninsula. DPRK hasn't altered its goal of realizing peace in the peninsula, and a normalization of ties between the US and DPRK could help address the nuclear issue.

Experts predict that tensions will continue to ease in 2019.

Conflict in the Middle East

Syrian Democratic Forces and US troops are seen during a patrol near Turkish border in Hasakah, Syria Nov 4, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

The crisis in Syria has become further complicated since the end of 2018.

Russia and Turkey have both indicated they are arranging schedules for Turkish delegates to visit Russia to discuss Syria. The Russian defense department meanwhile has visited Iran to discuss bilateral issues on military cooperation.

The US government pulled their troops from Syria, but then Trump made an unexpected visit to Iraq's Al Asad air base.

The US is likely in 2019 to promote cooperation between Arab countries such as Saudi Arab and Iraq on the Syrian issue to counter Turkish and Iranian power.

The Israeli ruling coalition's decision to dissolve parliament and hold early elections has led the country into a three-month election campaign, with incumbent prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, under investigation for corruption allegations.

The Russia-Ukraine clash

Russian President Vladimir Putin makes his annual New Year address to the nation in Moscow, Russia Dec 31, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

Ukraine will continue to be an uncertainty affecting relations between Russia and Europe, with the dispute at the Strait of Kerch has extending into 2019.

Russia and Ukraine engaged in disputes at the Black Sea in late 2018, and their treaty of friendship has been suspended. US president Trump meanwhile postponed his meeting with Putin, and the EU intended to extend sanctions on Russia.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is now considered a strategic focus for many western countries.

Global concern for refugees

Migrants, part of a caravan of thousands from Central America trying to reach the United States, look from above as Mexican federal police block off access to the entrance of a temporary shelter as part of the process of removing migrants from the facility in Tijuana, Mexico, Jan 4, 2019. [Photo/Agencies]

There are over 258 million migrants around the world living outside their country of birth, with that figure expected to grow. There are continuing tensions at the US-Mexico border, and Europe is addressing similar issues.

The Global Compact for Migration was on Dec 19 officially approved. It is the first intergovernmental agreement, prepared under the auspices of the United Nations, to comprehensively cover international migration.

Ten countries however opposed the compact and will not adhere to it, including the US, Australia, Austria, Chile, and Poland, while six other countries said they would take time to further consider the compact's implications before deciding whether to join.

The dark side of the moon

A simulated landing process of Chang'e-4 lunar probe is seen through the monitor at Beijing Aerospace Control Center in Beijing, Jan 3, 2019. [Photo/Xinhua]

A new chapter has opened in mankind's exploration of the moon, as the Chang'e 4 lunar probe landed on the moon's far side on Jan 3, 2019, considered a major breakthrough in space exploration.

Until now moon missions focused on its near rather than far side, because it is significantly more difficult to land on the far side.

What will the landing mean for scientific research: new approaches in obtaining helium-3 energy or unique lunar regolith compared to the near side?

We may see in 2019.

Japanese emperor abdicates

Japan's Emperor Akihito, flanked by Empress Michiko, delivers a speech to well-wishers who gathered at the Imperial Palace to mark his 85th birthday in Tokyo, Japan, Dec 23, 2018. [Photo/Agencies]

Japanese emperor Akihito has begun the countdown to relinquishing the Chrysanthemum Throne. He is the first emperor to abdicate alive in the last two centuries.

The last time a Japanese emperor abdicated was in 1817.

Akihito succeeded his father, wartime emperor Hirohito, in 1989. He will abdicate on April 30, with his eldest son ascending to the throne.

Expectation for the 2019 Women's World Cup

The Chinese women's football team salutes the fans after the match in Chongqing, China, on Oct 8, 2018. [Photo/IC]

The 2019 Women's World Cup will be held in France from June 6 - July 6. The Chinese women's football team has been placed in group B, along with South Africa, two-time world champions Germany, and rising force Spain, and will play Germany first.

Although people tend to pay more attention to men's football, the Chinese women's team has recorded a number of impressive results. They have been runners-up at the World Cup and Olympics, and are considered the dominant team in Asia.

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