EP155 新工作 New Job

EP155 新工作 New Job

EP155 新工作 New Job

  • Chinese 101: How’s your new job?

  • Grammar: Using 挺 with an adjective as "quite"

  • Language Tips:Chinese Business Culture you need to know

  • Song: 《启程》by Fanfan 范玮琪



Nǐ de xīn gōng zuò zěn me yàng ?

How’s your new job?


Nice. My boss and co-workers are all great, the work atmosphere is also good.

Tǐng hǎo de,lǎo bǎn hé tóng shì dōu hěn hǎo,gōng zuò fēn wéi yě bú cuò 。

Words & Expressions:

【新】xīn: new

【工作】gōng zuò: work, job, career

【老板】lǎo bǎn: boss

【同事】tóng shì: colleague

【氛围】fēn wéi:atmosphere

【挺好】tǐng hǎo:quite good, pretty good

【不错】bú cuò: not bad,good

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EP155 新工作 New Job

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