进博会“名”车名企云集 World's leading automakers to bring latest models to China import expo

The China International Import Expo(CIIE) is to be held in Shanghai from Nov. 5-10. A 30,000㎡ exhibition area(展区 zhǎnqū) will display(展示 zhǎnshì) some of the world's coolest cars,including a "flying car(会飞的汽车 huì fēi de qìchē)" from Slovakia. Over 70 auto enterprises(车企 chē qǐ) from 17 countries(国家 guójiā) and regions(地区 dìqū) will take part in(参加 cānjiā) the expo. Italian automaker IVECO will display its first compressed natural gas model in China. Unmanned and autonomous vehicles will be another highlight(亮点 liàngdiǎn).

重点词汇 Key word: 

  • <名词 n.> name
    E.g. Tā kàn le yī biàn míngdān,dàn zhǎo bù dào zìjǐ de míngzi.
    He looked down the list but couldn't find his name.

  • <名词 n.> fame; reputation
    E.g. Tā hěn kuài jiù chūmíng le.
    She rose quickly to fame.

  • <形容词 adj.> famous; well-known
    E.g. Zhèshì yī fú shìjiè mínghuà.
    This is a world-famous painting.

  • <名词 n.> standing in a competition
    E.g. Tā zài qián shí míng lǐ míng liè dì sān.
    He's the third in the top ten.

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