Spanish student reunites Chinese tourist in Britain with her lost purse

A student from Spain studying in London has returned a purse with its owner, a Chinese tourist visiting London, with the help of police in China, reports thepaper.cn.

File photo shows the communication record between the Spanish student’s friend and Shenyang Public Security Bureau through Sina Weibo. [Photo: thepaper.cn]

File photo shows the communication record between the Spanish student’s friend and Shenyang Public Security Bureau through Sina Weibo. [Photo: thepaper.cn]

The tourist lost her purse outside the British Museum in London on October 1. It was found by the overseas student, who recognized the writing on the ID card and driver's license inside as being Chinese. 

The student contacted a Chinese friend using WeChat and asked for help. The tourist's ID card showed that she was from northeast China's Shenyang.

The student and his friend then contacted the Shenyang Public Security Bureau using Sina Weibo, China's equivalent to Twitter, who then made contact with the tourist. 

The student dropped the lost purse at China's Embassy in London, where it was reunited with its owner five days after it had been lost.

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