Warner Bros.' animated Batman film "The Lego Batman Movie" opened at first place at last weekend box office, marking best weekend at the 2017 box office so far. (Source: Xinhuanet)
Warner Bros.' animated Batman film "The Lego Batman Movie" opened at first place at last weekend box office, marking best weekend at the 2017 box office so far. (Source: Xinhuanet)
Warner Bros.' animated Batman film "The Lego Batman Movie" opened at first place at last weekend box office, marking best weekend at the 2017 box office so far. (Source: Xinhuanet)
Warner Bros.' animated Batman film "The Lego Batman Movie" opened at first place at last weekend box office, marking best weekend at the 2017 box office so far. (Source: Xinhuanet)
Warner Bros.' animated Batman film "The Lego Batman Movie" opened at first place at last weekend box office, marking best weekend at the 2017 box office so far. (Source: Xinhuanet)
Warner Bros.' animated Batman film "The Lego Batman Movie" opened at first place at last weekend box office, marking best weekend at the 2017 box office so far. (Source: Xinhuanet)