Strange medical cures in world

Crude oil bath In Azerbaijan

Crude oil bath In Azerbaijan (Photo Source: forum.news.cn)

In Lima, Peru, women who are pregnant can receive a form of dolphin therapy said to stimulate the brains of the unborn baby inside the womb.

In Lima, Peru, women who are pregnant can receive a form of dolphin therapy said to stimulate the brains of the unborn baby inside the womb.   (Photo Source: forum.news.cn)

Leech therapy in Russia

Leech therapy in Russia (Photo Source: forum.news.cn)

Fish Therapy is a method of therapy using fishes to eat the dead cells on the legs and feet of the patients.

??Fish Therapy is a method of therapy using fishes to eat the dead cells on the legs and feet of the patients. (Photo Source: forum.news.cn)

Bee stings are used to cure nephropathy, appendicitis and even cancers in Cairo, Egypt.

Bee stings are used to cure nephropathy,

Being buried in the sands on the El Dakrror mountain area at Siwa Oasis, Egypt, at the hottest time of the day, is said to cure cure rheumatism, joint pain and sexual impotency.

Being buried in the sands on the El Dakrror mountain area at Siwa Oasis, Egypt, at the hottest time of the day, is said to cure cure rheumatism, joint pain and sexual impotency.  (Photo Source: forum.news.cn)

Nasal irrigation in India

Nasal irrigation in India (Photo Source: forum.news.cn)

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