Yuyuantan Park draws visitors from all over China
2014-03-27  CNTV, March 27, 2014


Yuyuantan Park becomes a major tourist attraction from late March until early May every year, particularly for its beautiful cherry blossoms. The park is almost 2 kilometers wide and one kilometer long, with almost 200 thousand plants.

Standing amid the sea of flowers, you can see that spring has come to every corner of the capital. The park almost becomes a temple fair every year at flowering time.

There are over 2000 cherry trees of 20 species, many of which were gifts from Japan when the two countries re-opened diplomatic ties in the 1970s. The spectacle attracts many flower lovers and photographers from far and wide.

"Spring in Beijing is very short, so I’m here to take advantage of it before it’s too late. The blooming of these flowers represents new life. I feel so much younger when I see them and it makes me really happy," visitor Li Boqin said.

"We are from Hebei Province and got up at 4am just to come see the flowers. It’s really beautiful. It’s my son’s first time too. Show them the ones you picked," visitor Li Qiang said.

The park hosts an annual cherry blossom festival every April. It is also popular for boating and a great place to take a relaxing stroll. More than 100 thousand visitors are expected to visit the park during the blooming season.

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