US, Chinese First Ladies to meet in Beijing
2014-03-21  CNTV, March 21, 2014


Michelle Obama will arrive in Beijing today for a week-long trip, at the invitation of Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, or Chinese first lady.

They'll visit the Forbidden City in central Beijing, before sitting down to dinner together. It's the first time a US First Lady has visited China in her own right, without being accompanied by the US President. Travelling alongside Michelle Obama are her daughters, Malia and Sasha, and her mother Madrian Robinson.

She's looking to promote education and cultural exchanges between young people of both countries. Michelle Obama will also visit the central city of Xi'an and the southwest city of Chengdu. The US First Lady is promising to keep people informed about her trip by updating her blog every day. She hopes the visit will help young people in the US gain a better understanding of China.

Michelle Obama arrives in Beijing today for a week-long trip.


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