Malaysia: Focusing on narrowing two corridors
2014-03-20  CNTV, March 20, 2014

At today’s press conference, Malaysia’s acting Minister of Transport Hishammuddin Hussein said his country has gathered satellite and radar information from countries along broad arcs that travel north and south along paths the plane may have taken.

Hishammuddin said Malaysia has received background checks on all the passengers from their respective countries, apart from Ukraine and Russia, which accounted for three passengers.

So far no information of significance has been found. Malaysian authorities said they have coordinated with the FBI and Interpol and opened investigations into the crew on the first day the plane disappeared.

Technical experts have also begun investigating into the pilot’s flight simulator found at his home. Three simulating flight tracks have been found and experts are trying to retrieve the data that has been deleted from the simulator. Wednesday marks the 12th day of the search for the missing airliner.

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