"Substandard" restorers ruin centuries-old Buddhist fresco
2013-10-28 (Xinhua)   2013-10-28 11:03:33

By CCTV reporter Guan Yang

BEIJING, Oct. 28 (Xinhuanet) -- A mural inside a 270-year-old temple in northeast China's Liaoning province has been completely covered over by cartoon-like figures. And as CCTV reporter Guan Yang reports, its defacement has drawn widespread condemnation after being exposed online.

This Buddhist fresco is supposed to be a historical work of art that is under national-level protection, but now it has been turned into a series of garish and “sloppily drawn modern paintings". It was not immediately clear why restorers had chosen to paint over the original work of art.

“Since I haven’t seen the original painting, it’s hard to draw a fair comparison.” Said tourist.

The disfigured fresco came to the public attention after a visitor posted online photos comparing different relics inside the temple. Public fury ensued as horrified micro-bloggers struggled to comprehend how the government could have approved such "refurbishment".

“It was not in our best expertise to carry out a proper restoration work on the original fresco and we didn’t pay enough attention to the project, and none of us knew the relevant regulations on the protection of cultural relics.” Said Ren Xiuqi, head of management of Phoenix Mountain Scenic Spot.

Enough said, it’s not the poor paining techniques we should blame on, but the ignorance of the people who should be taking good care on what history has left us.

"Anyone who intentionally destroys historical relics shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to the country’s law for the protection of cultural relics.” Said Liu Qi, solicitor of Beijing Dacheng Law Firm.

“Since the tourist authorities in charge of the temple hired "substandard" contractors to carry out the maintenance work, the official in charge of “temple affairs” and the head of the local cultural heritage monitoring team had both been relieved of their duties; a fine of 50,000 YUAN has also been imposed on the scenic spot.” Said Li Haifeng, secretary general of Chaoyang People’s Government in Liaoning province.

Even though the frescos might be restored to at least how they used to look, but the historical significance of it is lost.

Reporter: “The reason we must raise awareness on these works of art is that, yesterday’s relics are not ours to do with as we wish, but are ours to be custodians of, to preserve and protect for future generations while honoring those who settled, built and fought for us in the past.”

(Source: cntv.cn)


Editor: Bi Mingxin
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