Russian parliament urges world to avert attack on Syria
2013-09-12 (Xinhua)   2013-09-12 09:31:48

By CCTV correspondent Iain Mckinnell

BEIJING, Sept. 12 (Xinhuanet) -- Russia has given the United States its plan for placing Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal under international control and intends to discuss it on Thursday in Geneva. Earlier on Wednesday, the lower house of Russia’s parliament urged the international community to avert a military strike against Syria, warning that a strike would harm stability in the Middle East region.

Attacking Syria would destroy nuclear and chemical security in the region, result in more civilian casualties and lead to a humanitarian disaster in the country that’s according to a statement released by the Russian State Duma, the lower house of the parliament.

The State Duma has expressed support for the government’s proposal to place Syria’s chemical arsenal under international control. It has also reiterated Moscow’s position that the only right solution to the Syria crisis could be achieved in line with the framework of Geneva II conference.

The statement comes after a debate on Wednesday over how Russia should react to possible US strikes against Syria.

A senior Russian lawmaker said that Russia could expand arms sales to Iran and revise the terms of US military transit to Afghanistan if Washington launches a strike on Syria.

Alexei Pushkov, Senior Lawmaker, Russia’s State Duma, said, "A military strike against Syria may have the most negative consequences. And is fraught with new deaths among the civilian population, this time from American missiles."

One Communist Party Member of Parliament said guaranteeing national security is essential since the "UN Security Council doesn’t influence decision making" anymore.

Leonid Kalashnikov, Communist Party Member, Russia’s State Duma, said, "(If it is so, then) the State Duma should recommend to its government and president to take care of our security. Otherwise, tomorrow we could find ourselves in the position of Syria where we are shown some pictures from, say, North Caucasus with dead bodies and be offered to disarm ourselves."

Syria has accepted a Russian proposal to surrender its chemical weapons. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is to meet with his US counterpart John Kerry in Geneva on Thursday to discuss ways of breaking the deadlock at the UN Security Council over Syria.

Washington and other Western powers blame the Syrian government for the chemical weapons attack on Aug. 21. Damascus blames it on the rebels.

Russia has said it does not want a binding Security Council resolution on its Syria proposal, but a "presidential statement" would not have legal force the way a resolution could.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Fang Yang
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