Syrian condemns efforts to gain UNSC approval for strikes
2013-08-29 (Xinhua)   2013-08-29 09:26:35

BEIJING, Aug. 29 (Xinhuanet) -- Syria's ambassador to the UN has condemned efforts by Western nations to gain UN approval for military action against President Bashar al-Assad’s government for alleged use of chemical weapons. He also accused the US, Britain and France of being behind the Syria crisis.

Bashar Jaafari, Syrian Ambassador to UN, said, "There is no consensus in the council (UN Security Council) on any draft resolution, whether it is British, French or American; number one, number one! Because members on the council, they don’t believe the authenticity of the accusations provided by this delegation or that delegation; number one. Number two, these three Western delegations are part of the problem they are not part of the solution of the resolution of the crisis. They are behind arming and supplying the armed terrorist groups with all kinds of logistical support as well as with weapons."

The ambassador on Wednesday also requested that Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon order investigations into three new alleged rebel attacks in which he said Syrian soldiers inhaled poisonous gas. Ja’afari told reporters that he asked Ban to mandate immediately the investigation team now operating in Damascus to investigate the incidents that took place in the suburbs of Damascus on August the 22nd, 24th and 25th.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Bi Mingxin
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