Cypriots protest over 100-euros per day withdraw limit
2013-03-25 (Xinhua)   2013-03-25 10:27:51

BEIJING, March 25 (Xinhuanet) -- Protesters have gathered outside the Cypriot parliament building as their government holds talks with euro zone partners in Brussels to seal a bailout package.

Bank employees were present in large numbers, as bank staff will likely be affected by any agreement the government makes. Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades embarked on last-minute crisis talks with international lenders on Sunday. Cyprus faces a Monday deadline to avert a collapse of its banking system and potential exit from the euro.

Late night negotiations in Nicosia to seal a bailout from the EU and International Monetary Fund broke up without result. The central bank in Cyprus imposed a 100-euros per day withdrawal limit at cash machines for the island’s two biggest banks on Sunday to avert a run on banks.

Protesters said: "Well if you think you can support your family with 100 euros, well, that’s your answer right there."

"If we can take 100 euros today with what the eurogroup has decided for the Cyprus nation we will not have nothing in the coming months and years and that will be the same for many years. The only solution is to find a solution outside from the troika and the IMF and stand on our feet on our own because it looks like our friends in Europe are not supporting us at all."

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Liu
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