Unsung Heroes: Father of J-15 fighter jet
2013-03-03 (Xinhua)   2013-03-03 09:37:22

BEIJING, March 3 (Xinhuanet) -- Unsung Hero series continue. Tonight CCTV takes a look at the man behind China’s first aircraft carrier fighter jet, the J-15. He was Luo Yang. As the supervisor of the J-15 development program, he dedicated his entire life to aircraft design. He tragically died of a heart attack shortly after the J-15’s successful test flight.

On November 24th, 2012 China’s first aircraft carrier fighter jet, the J-15, made its debut in China’s Northeastern city of Dalian.

And conducting the training exercise on the field, was the head of the manufacturing and production phase of the J-15 fighter jet, Luo Yang.

Luo was born in 1961 in north-east China’s Shenyang Province.

After he graduated from Beihang University where he studied high-altitude equipment, he started his 30-year long career as an aircraft designer.

He later joined the Shenyang Aircraft Design Institute and became the secretary of the party committee in 2002.

Qi Jianxin, assistant manager of Shenyang Aircraft Design Inst., said:"He used to tell us that what we do is holding the national treasury in one hand and holding the lives of our fellow pilots in the other."

Luo was chosen to lead the production of the J-15 jet, China’s first self-designed aircraft carrier fighter jet.

The result of the J-15’s test flight would have a direct impact on the overall fighting capacity of China’s navy forces.

For countless days and nights, he ate and slept at the test flight scene.

His efforts were not in vain. On November 25th, 2012, two J-15 fighter jets successfully carried out take-off and landing manoeuvres on the Liaoning aircraft carrier.

He immediately called his family to announce the exciting news, but they didn’t know these were his last words to them.

Shortly after the call, he suffered from a heart attack and died at the age of 51.

Xie Genhua, Party secretary of Shenyang Aircraft Design Inst., said:"We used to say that Luo was born for the Shenyang Aircraft Design Institute, but we never thought that he would die for it."

A memorial service was held for Luo back in his home town where thousands mourned the loss of a national hero .

When the J-15 takes off into the infinite blue sky, we know that his legacy will inspire generations to come.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Tang Danlu
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