Pistorius may continue practice
2013-02-27 (Xinhua)   2013-02-27 09:33:01

BEIJING, Feb. 27 (Xinhuanet) -- Oscar Pistorius has told South African authorities he wants to resume athletic training while on bail in his murder case. Corrections officials have agreed to help Pistorius, provided he continues to comply with the terms of his bail.

James Smalberger, chief deputy Commissioner of S. Africa Correctional Services Dept., said, "The only thing that needs to happen as part of the bail conditions is that he needs to inform Correctional Services of his movements. And as part of that, obviously, if he wishes to continue with his training, we will facilitate it, we will allow that because it’s not for us to decide. Again, I want to emphasize that the other thousands on the system who have their daily jobs, they continue with those jobs, and Mr. Pistorius, as a professional athlete, if he wants to do that, we will not prevent him to do that."

Pistorius discussed his bail terms with his probation officer and expressed his wish to continue practicing. Pistorius was released on bail on Friday and is staying with his uncle. Officials say they will visit Pistorius at his uncle’s home at least four times a month. He cannot leave the district of Pretoria without his probation officer’s permission and is not allowed to consume drugs or alcohol.

The 26-year-old athlete was also ordered to hand over his passports, turn in any guns he owns and keep away from his home in Pretoria, which is the scene of his girlfriend’s shooting death.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Lu Hui
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