U.S. fiscal talks at standstill
2012-12-12 (Xinhua)   2012-12-12 11:08:01

BEIJING, Dec. 12 (Xinhuanet) – U.S. fiscal cliff talks appear to be at a standstill as the end of year deadline to reach a deal looms closer. U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner has called on President Barack Obama to come forth with a new proposal to avert the "fiscal cliff" on December 31st, one that would get enough votes to pass the House and Senate.

Boehner said, "The American people sent us here to work together towards the best possible solution and that means cutting spending. If the President doesn’t agree with our approach, he’s got an obligation to put forward a plan that can pass both Chambers of the Congress. Because right now, the American people have to be scratching their heads and wondering when is the President going to get serious."

Boehner’s Spokesman said the House speaker has sent the White House a new counter-offer, which would achieve tax and entitlement reform. The latest Republican offer was in response to that sent by the White House on Monday.

Obama and Boehner exchanged opening proposals aimed at cutting deficits by more than 4 trillion dollars over the next 10 years. But Republicans have repeatedly called for the president to submit more spending cuts before talks can make progress. And the biggest immediate conflict is over Obama’s demand that tax rates rise for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans. Republicans want existing lower rates continued for all brackets, and prefer to raise more revenue by eliminating tax loopholes and reducing deductions.

Congress must cut a deal to avert automatic steep tax hikes and spending cuts set to come in place next year, which economists warn could propel the fragile US economy back into recession.

But U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said it will be difficult for Congress to reach agreement before Christmas.

(Source: CNTV)

Editor: Tang Danlu
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