China: No territorial compromise
2012-11-07 (Xinhua)   2012-11-07 10:31:18

BEIJING, Nov. 7 (Xinhuanet) -- Luo Zhaohui, Director-General of the Asian Affairs Department of the Foreign Ministry, has exchanged views on the Diaoyu Islands with his Japanese counterpart, Shinsuka Sugiyama. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Hong Lei, told reporters at a regular press conference on Monday that China would not compromise on issues of territorial sovereignty.

Hong Lei, Spokesman of Chinese Foreign Ministry, said, "Director-General Luo Zhaohui reiterated China’s position on the Diaoyu Islands. He said China is willing to solve the territorial disputes through dialogue and consultation, but will not make any compromise on issues related to its sovereignty. The Japanese side should be aware of that."

According to Hong Lei, the meeting between the two Director-Generals paves the way for a new round of consultations between the Vice Foreign Ministers of the two countries. The Vice Foreign Ministers consultation process on the Diaoyu Islands was launched on September 25th. Hong Lei says China and Japan have maintained high level talks on the issue through various channels. With regard to the US-Japan joint military exercise, Hong Lei said China has made its stance on the issue clear and urges those countries involved to make greater efforts to maintain peace and stability in the region.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Lu Hui
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