Hamas: Abbas' remarks "extremely dangerous"
2012-11-03 (Xinhua)   2012-11-03 11:00:13

BEIJING, Nov. 3 (Xinhuanet) -- The Prime Minister of the Hamas-ruled Gaza strip, has criticised Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for comments he made to Israeli media.

During an interview aired on Israel’s Channel 2, Mahmoud Abbas said that while he would like to see his birthplace - Safed, now a town in northern Israel - he doesn’t want to live there.

He also said as long as he is in office, there will be no armed uprising. Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas said that Abbas’ remarks were "extremely dangerous", alleging that they contradict long held Palestinian territorial demands.

Hamas, alongside many other Palestinians, said Abbas’ remarks suggested millions of refugees and their descendants would not return to places they fled in wars with Israel spanning several decades.

(Source: CNTV.cn)


Editor: Yang Lina
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