Zuma visits Marikana mine
2012-08-23 (Xinhua)   2012-08-23 10:59:32

BEIJING, Aug. 23 (Xinhuanet) -- South African President Jacob Zuma has addressed thousands of striking workers at the Lonmin Platinum Mine, in Marikana. Police killed at least 40 armed protesters, including 31 striking miners last Thursday.

The President said the Judicial Commission of Inquiry would get to the bottom of what exactly had gone wrong. The violence on the day of the protests was the most deadly in the history of post apartheid South Africa.

President Zuma visited the area the day after the so-called Marikana Massacre, cutting short his participation in the SADC Summit In Mozambique.

He held a Media conference after being briefed on the incident. But he did not speak to the Community directly.

Rene Del Carme, Marikana, South Africa said, "Earlier in the week there was much criticism of President Jacob Zuma, with the people of Marikana saying he wasn’t here for them when they needed him the most. They said if he was indeed a caring president, he would ensure that striking workers were granted the R12 500 monthly salary they’d been demanding. "

The South African President - flanked by many of His top cabinet ministers - said he regretted the loss Of life at the mine. And said no one should have died over a wage dispute.He told the crowd that he had returned to Marikana to hear their side of the story first hand.

He said he would talk to the various stakeholders -Including Lonmin Mine Management - in an effort to resolve the crisis as soon as possible.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Liu
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