Rotating chair aims to host productive SCO summit

China is firmly resolved and fully prepared to host a successful summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization next year, and over 100 activities covering politics, security, the economy and culture will be held under the SCO framework, Vice-Foreign Minister Sun Weidong said on Monday.

China took over the rotating presidency of the organization after the SCO summit in Astana, Kazakhstan, in July.

"China will host an amicable, uniting and productive SCO summit, one that builds consensus and draws a blueprint for the organization's future cooperation," Sun told a news briefing in Beijing.

As one of the founding members of the SCO, China has always regarded the organization as a priority in its diplomacy, he noted.

China has put forward a slogan during its rotating presidency, which is "upholding the Shanghai Spirit, SCO on the move".

It aims to send a clear message to countries in the region and beyond that the "SCO will not pay lip service, nor will it become a club, but will take real actions", Sun said.

As a rotating chair, China is ready to continue to work with other members to improve the SCO mechanism in addressing security challenges, fighting the three forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism, and combating illicit drug trafficking as well as cyber and cross-border organized crime, he said.

He also urged efforts to intensify SCO pragmatic cooperation in trade, financing, energy, green development and the digital economy, and to build synergy among the high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, regional cooperation initiatives and national development strategies.

As 2025 is the SCO year of sustainable development, a series of actions and cooperation programs will be taken and implemented in areas such as poverty reduction, food security, public health, development aid and climate change, he said.

Founded in 2001, the SCO has expanded from six founding members to 10 member states, two observer states and 14 dialogue partners, becoming an SCO family of 26 countries.

The SCO is now the largest regional organization in terms of both geography and population, Sun noted.

China stands ready to push forward the development and expansion of the SCO during its rotating presidency, Sun said.

China welcomes more countries that respect and recognize the Shanghai Spirit, as well as the purposes and principles of the SCO Charter, to join hands with SCO member states, bringing more positive energy to uphold international equity and justice and promote world peace, he added.

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