HK performing arts expo hosts promotional event in Beijing

In a bid to entice top-tier productions and performing arts groups from the Chinese mainland, the 2024 Hong Kong Performing Arts Expo held a promotional event in Beijing on June 17.

Organized by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, this inaugural expo is scheduled to run from Oct 14 to 18 at Hong Kong's West Kowloon Cultural District, serving as a pivotal platform for the exchange and collaboration of performing arts creations both locally and globally. The event aims to bolster Hong Kong's position as a vibrant hub for international cultural and artistic interactions.

During the promotional event, representatives from the Hong Kong Performing Arts Expo and its organizers provided insights into the expo's offerings and key highlights. Notable figures from esteemed performing arts entities, such as the China National Opera House, Chongqing Performance Arts Group, Tianjin North Performing Arts Group, and the renowned Beijing-based comedy production company Mahua FunAge, delivered speeches, underscoring the diverse talent that the expo aims to attract and showcase.

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