Enduring role of 'treasuring the past' hailed
Liu Huiyan (far left), head of the publicity department of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee, and Qu Yingpu (far right), publisher and editor-in-chief of China Daily, pose for photos with speakers after presenting them keepsakes during the Vision China event in Jinzhou, Liaoning province, on Sunday. [Photo by Feng Yongbin/chinadaily.com.cn]

The enduring legacies of ancient civilizations resonate with those seeking inspiration for the modern world, and Northeast China's Liaoning province appears to be an ideal starting point for such cultural exploration.

The captivating charm of the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Liaoning, historically an intersecting point of fishing and hunting, agricultural and nomadic cultures, was demonstrated on Sunday at the Vision China event in Jinzhou, Liaoning.

Jointly organized by China Daily and the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Liaoning Provincial Committee, the event gathered archaeologists, cultural scholars and practitioners from home and abroad, as well as foreign youth representatives in China, to share their experiences and insights under the theme "Treasuring the Past, Enriching the Future".

Liu Huiyan, head of the publicity department of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee gives a speech during the event. [Photo by Feng Yongbin/chinadaily.com.cn]

Liu Huiyan, head of the publicity department of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee, said that revitalization of culture — in Liaoning's case a blending of numerous historical legacies and revolutionary and industrial cultural resources — is an essential aspect of the province's endeavor for comprehensive revitalization.

The province is seeking coordinated development of culture, sports and tourism, and has garnered unprecedented vitality and opportunities in cultural undertakings and industries, he added.

Liu Huiyan, head of the publicity department of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee gives a speech during the event. [Photo by Feng Yongbin/chinadaily.com.cn]

Liu Huiyan, head of the publicity department of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee, said that revitalization of culture — in Liaoning's case a blending of numerous historical legacies and revolutionary and industrial cultural resources — is an essential aspect of the province's endeavor for comprehensive revitalization.

The province is seeking coordinated development of culture, sports and tourism, and has garnered unprecedented vitality and opportunities in cultural undertakings and industries, he added.

Party Secretary of Jinzhou Liu Kewu gives a speech during the event. [Photo by Feng Yongbin/chinadaily.com.cn]

Party Secretary of Jinzhou Liu Kewu said the Vision China event was, for Jinzhou, a cultural feast that enhanced mutual learning and exchanges, a precious chance to promote the city, and an opportunity to provide strong support for revitalization and development.

On his inspection to Jinzhou in August 2022, President Xi praised it as a heroic city with a distinctive cultural temperament and profound historical and cultural heritage, and he expressed confidence in and expectations for the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era.

Liu Kewu said that the city spares no effort to inherit its cultural treasures and prolong its historical lineage, and expressed hope for enhancing friendship and cooperation with experts from all walks of life.

Chang Shana, 93, a respected scholar of Dunhuang arts as well as daughter of Chang Shuhong, founding director of the Dunhuang Academy, sent video congratulations to the event, as did pianist Lang Lang, who was born and raised in Liaoning's provincial capital, Shenyang.

Marcella Festa, associate professor at the School of Cultural Heritage at Northwest University in Xi'an gives a speech during the event. [Photo by Feng Yongbin/chinadaily.com.cn]

In her keynote speech, Marcella Festa, associate professor at the School of Cultural Heritage at Northwest University in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, highlighted the role of archaeology in enhancing the understanding of human history, bridging cultural gaps and educating future generations.

She said that recent archaeological efforts have revealed the presence of advanced civilizations beyond the Central Plains of China and demonstrated long-standing connections between various regions of Asia since prehistoric times. With projects like the Belt and Road Initiative, more about these ancient societies is expected to be uncovered.

While speaking of Hongshan culture, a key Neolithic culture known for its exquisite jade ware and emerging ritual traditions that encompassed today's Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Liaoning and Hebei provinces, Festa said she found it particularly intriguing that the Hongshan people relied on a mix of farming, hunting and fishing for subsistence, which has challenged the conventional belief that only agricultural societies could produce Neolithic cultures.

Zhong Lina, dean of the Institute for Tourism and Culture Planning at Beijing International Studies University gives a speech during the event. [Photo by Feng Yongbin/chinadaily.com.cn]

Zhong Lina, dean of the Institute for Tourism and Culture Planning at Beijing International Studies University, analyzed Liaoning's cultural richness, noting that a visit to Liaoning enables domestic and foreign tourists to witness a more vivid image of China. This richness stems from Liaoning's pivotal location, connecting Northeast China with the Central Plains region and linking Northeast Asia with inland regions of Eurasia, and where nomadic and agrarian cultures converged.

Steve Brown, senior research fellow at the University of Canberra's Centre for Creative and Cultural Research gives a speech via video link during the event. [Photo by Feng Yongbin/chinadaily.com.cn]

While celebrating the past treasures, Steve Brown, senior research fellow at the University of Canberra's Centre for Creative and Cultural Research, also called for attention to everyday family heritage and stories that bear importance for modern society, and Erik Nilsson, an expat at China Daily, emphasized the value of a personal touch that cannot be replaced by digital technology in conserving culture and carrying the heritage through the coming decades.

Four youth representatives, from Russia, Hungary, Belarus and Indonesia, shared their understanding of the inheritance, preservation and promotion of cultural heritage during a following roundtable dialogue.

"Vision China" is a series that China Daily launched in 2018.Held at home and abroad and through online platforms, the events serve as a bridge for dialogues between China and the world by inviting well-known Chinese and overseas opinion leaders to give talks and share their ideas. The event in Jinzhou was the 30th edition of the series.


Steve Brown, senior research fellow at the University of Canberra's Centre for Creative and Cultural Research gives a speech via video link during the event. [Photo by Feng Yongbin/chinadaily.com.cn]

While celebrating the past treasures, Steve Brown, senior research fellow at the University of Canberra's Centre for Creative and Cultural Research, also called for attention to everyday family heritage and stories that bear importance for modern society, and Erik Nilsson, an expat at China Daily, emphasized the value of a personal touch that cannot be replaced by digital technology in conserving culture and carrying the heritage through the coming decades.

Four youth representatives, from Russia, Hungary, Belarus and Indonesia, shared their understanding of the inheritance, preservation and promotion of cultural heritage during a following roundtable dialogue.

"Vision China" is a series that China Daily launched in 2018.Held at home and abroad and through online platforms, the events serve as a bridge for dialogues between China and the world by inviting well-known Chinese and overseas opinion leaders to give talks and share their ideas. The event in Jinzhou was the 30th edition of the series.


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