Tech titans
The Samsung booth puts the spotlight on artificial intelligence during the CES 2024 tech event in Las Vegas on Tuesday. John Locher / AP

Chinese technology companies are making a prominent comeback at a major industry event this week.

At this year's Consumer Electronics Show, lauded as the world's premier tech event, in Las Vegas, the United States, the companies are showcasing their latest achievements in cutting-edge technologies. These range from artificial intelligence and next-generation semiconductor displays, to autonomous driving, robots and augmented reality.

Highlighting China's increasingly vital role in bolstering technological innovation, experts said intelligent devices powered by generative AI and the internet of things are expected to become a key growth driver for the global consumer electronics industry.

People sample a HD Hyundai VR experience on the future of automated construction sites at the CES 2024 tech event on Tuesday in Las Vegas. FREDERIC BROWN/AFP

More than 4,000 enterprises worldwide are taking part in the CES, which opened on Tuesday and will conclude on Friday, according to the event's organizer, the US Consumer Technology Association. There are 1,114 participating companies from China.

At the show, Chinese consumer electronics maker TCL demonstrated over 120 pieces of intelligent hardware covering quantum dot Mini-LED TVs, AI processing chips, smartphones, intelligent AR goggles and vehicle-mounted display products.

People walk by a CES 2024 sign during the tech event on Wednesday in Las Vegas. JOHN LOCHER/AP

Hisense Group, a major Chinese home appliance manufacturer, unveiled its latest ultra light-emitting diode or ULED TV and laser display technology.

Chinese tech companies have shown the potential to lead the industry not only in mature categories such as smartphones but also in emerging fields such as AI, AR and VR, said Pan Helin, co-director of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center at Zhejiang University's International Business School.

Agencies Via Xinhua

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