Boy, 5, grows hair to help children with cancer

[Video/Official WeChat account of People's Daily]

Recently, Chinese netizens praised a 5-year-old boy from Xinxiang, Henan province, for his inspirational move: he hasn't had a hair cut for three years to help children with cancer, People's Daily reported.

In a video posted online, Guangnian showed his more than 30-centimeter-long hair. He thought of this form of volunteering about three years ago when he watched a documentary of cancer-afflicted children in which he noticed girls with total hair loss as a side effect of the treatment.

After that, Guangnian put himself "on a mission" to grow his hair long and donate them to children who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment.

No one took his words seriously at that time, as he was just a barely 3-year-old kid. They did not expect that Guangnian will stick to his conviction all the way.

"On my first day of school, I was mistaken for a girl by others. I told them I was a boy, but they still called me a girl, which upset me," Guangnian said.

Though faced with teasing, Guangnian never thought of giving up, even when his mother tried several times to persuade him to have his hair cut short.

"Sometimes I would envy my litter brother's short hair because people could tell he is a boy from his look. But my father told me that boys should not fear being laughed at," he said.

"I'm not giving up. I want to help others through this way," he said.

According to Guangnian's mother, he could live up to his expectations to donate his hair this summer.

"What a brave little boy! Guangnian, you're so cool!" one netizen said.

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