Xi sends congratulatory message to new UAE president

BEIJING -- President Xi Jinping on Saturday congratulated Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan on his assuming the presidency of the United Arab Emirates.

In a congratulatory message, Xi pointed out that since the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, bilateral relations have been developing in an all-round and in-depth way.

The two sides have always supported each other firmly on issues concerning their respective core interests and major concerns, maintained fruitful practical cooperation in various fields, and achieved notable results in the joint fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, Xi said, adding that the friendship between the people of the two countries has been continuously deepened.

Noting that he attaches great importance to the development of China-UAE relations, Xi said he is ready to work with President Sheikh Mohamed to deepen the China-UAE comprehensive strategic partnership for the benefit of the two countries and their people.

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