China condemns so-called 'Uygur Forced Labor Prevention Act'
Local residents dance at the International Grand Bazaar in Urumqi, Xinjiang, in April. [Photo by Wang Jing/China Daily]

China slammed the United States on Friday for signing into law the so-called "Uygur Forced Labor Prevention Act", and urged Washington to stop using Xinjiang-related issues to interfere in China's internal affairs.

The bipartisan bill bans imports from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region unless the importer can prove they were not made with forced labor.

The act maliciously denigrates the human rights situation in Xinjiang by disregarding facts and truth, which violates international law and basic norms governing international relations, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said in a statement.

China told the US to correct the mistake immediately, the spokesperson said, vowing to make further response in light of the development of the situation. 

The so-called allegations of "forced labor" and "genocide" in Xinjiang are nothing but vicious lies concocted by anti-China forces, the spokesperson said.

The US keeps using Xinjiang-related issues to create rumors and make trouble, which in essence is engaging in political manipulation and economic coercion, and seeking to undermine Xinjiang's prosperity and stability and contain China's development under the pretext of human rights, the spokesperson said.

It is preposterous for the US, a country with a deplorable track record, to accuse and smear China. The US should save the labels of "forced labor" and "genocide" for itself, the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson reiterated that Xinjiang-related issues are not human rights issues at all, but in essence about countering violent terrorism and separatism.

Crafting conspiracies and plots with Xinjiang-related issues will not stop the pursuit of a better life by people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang or hold back China's development, the spokesperson said.

The US acts totally violate market principles and commercial ethics, such moves will only undermine global industrial and supply chains, disrupt international trade order and hurt the US' own interests and credibility, the spokesperson said.

The Chinese government and Chinese people are firmly resolved in safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests, the spokesperson added.

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