Renowned Macao hotpot spot opens third Beijing branch
Guanyejie Macao Hotpot [Photo provided to China Daily]

After a year of renovations, the third Beijing branch of Guanyejie Macao Hotpot opened in the  Lido area in August.

Making its Beijing debut in 2005, the restaurant chain has brought authentic Macao flavor to foodies in the capital for over a decade. The name of the restaurant comes from a street's name in Macao, which reminds diners the hotpot is done in the traditional Macao style.

The restaurant's signature feature is the pig bone and chicken claw base - the soup is boiled for 15 hours with fresh chicken claws, pig bones, three kinds of radishes, corn and chestnuts.

The meat of panopea generosa, or the Pacific geoduck clam, is the best pair for the soup, as are multiple types of fresh seafood.

Pacific geoduck clam [Photo provided to China Daily]
After a year of renovations, the third Beijing branch of Guanyejie Macao Hotpot opened in the  Lido area in August. [Photo provided to China Daily]
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